Monday, July 11, 2011

Sacred Moments

"Its moments like these that remind me why I love motherhood."

For you, maybe that statement is referring to the laughter coming from your kiddos' rooms as they play together; maybe its the smile that lights up your baby's face when he's happy...

For me?  Bedtime.

There is NOTHING that quite reminds me how WONDERFUL peace and quiet is than right after the last kid is tucked in, lights have been turned out, and all the threats of torture and maiming have been put out there (in the event that they think getting out of bed is an option) and I have peace.

Wonderful, blissful, wine guzzling -*ahem, sorry*- wine SIPPING, peace.

Now, one might think that you can achieve this peace just as easily- maybe even more so- without  the aid of children, but I disagree.

What is happiness without sadness?  How can you know what happiness actually IS unless you have something to compare it to?

Having kids is like that person who is living in a construction zone- all day long, nothing but the sounds of chaos and ruckus- and then 5 p.m. comes...

...and bliss.

Sure, they were able to zone it out after a while, but it wasn't until all the workers had gone home for the day that they understood what they had been missing all those LONG, mind numbing hours.

Having kids -boys- is a lot like that- more so, actually, because I don't get sick days, paid holidays or vacation days, so I'm in -literally IN- the construction zone day in, day out, all year long.

And, yes, boys -IMO- are worse than girls. I'm sure there are lots of people who will try and disagree with me- point out the fact that I don't have girls so how could I know?

Excuse me?  I AM a girl.  I was a tomboy, actually, so I know EXACTLY how bad it could get having a rambunctious tomboy.  I was a barbed-wire scaling, tree-climbing, dirt digging, sibling wrestling (WWF-style, thank you very much) girl...

...and my BOYS are worse.

So, when the lights are finally out, the last kiddo has closed his eyes, and I finally get my brain back, I'm able to truly give thanks.

Thank you, God, for 3 loud, obnoxious boys that were born without recognition of the term 'inside voices'.

Thank you, God, for 2 boys that -while they have superb aim in certain Wii games and other outdoor sports- cannot pee IN the toilet.

Thanks, God, for 2 boys that think fighting is a sport and practice as if it could one day land them in the Olympics.

Thanks so much, God, for reminding me with every scream, whine, argument, complaint, and fight, that silence is sacred and should be cherished because morning- the waking hours- come much too quickly.

But thank you, God, most especially, for 8:30 p.m. for, without it, I would not have the brain cells enough to even remember my name, much less, give thanks.


  1. Oh my gosh I didn't realize you knew my boys. The peeing and fighting are particularly accurate. I am a new fan and follower. Check me out at

  2. Ah, a silver lining gal. That's something I can relate to.

    Having 2 boys and then a girl, I can confirm that boys are LOUDER. In general, everything they do is LOUDER. They have less consciousness about their body space, movement, and vocal volume and the relationship that those things have to the world around them. They walk louder, talk louder, THINK louder and just... Live Louder. Not "better" or more vibrantly than girls, for sure. But LOUDER.

    Did I say they were louder?

  3. Just read about your "natural disasters"... Your hurricane sounds like my Little Bear. I tell everyone that holds him they are guaranteed to get spit up on. I have two little boys and letmetellyou... I LOVE BEDTIME!!! Okay actually I love when they are sleeping... Bedtime is a headache these days. Sipping my wine now and trying to unwind. Glad I found your blog!



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